Well it seems that the media has tired of the Rob Ford story and we can actually hear other news from across the province and around the world! When the story was unfolding a couple of weeks ago it seemed that everyday brought some scandal or provocative news bite. It was a gong show! CBC touted their scoop when they got the one-on-one, I guess that should read one-on-two interview when the Ford brothers asked for an interview with Peter Mansbridge. In that interview the conversation ranged from penitent to belligerent. I could only wonder what Peter Mansbridge was thinking as he used his best interviewing technique.
At one point in the interview Rob Ford spoke of his father, the late Doug Ford Sr. a former MPP. He mentioned that his father had taught Sunday School and so Rob knew right from wrong. Hmmm, his actions might bely that claim. Towards the end of the interview as he spoke about his turn-around in behaviour he said he “had a kind of ‘come to Jesus’ moment” and indicated he is now living life on the straight and narrow.
My immediate reaction was, “C’mon Mayor Ford can we please leave Jesus out of this mess?” But I have continued to mull over the words. I don’t know if Mr. Ford had a spiritual moment, a “came to himself” prodigal son kind of moment as described in the Gospel of Luke somehow I doubt it. Just the same it is a line that gets trotted out when people speak of that transformative, restorative experience that changes lives. Interviewing diva, Oprah would often speak to her guests about having a ‘come to Jesus’ moment. When I hear this kind of comment on television it makes me wonder if the people really mean what they say and who Jesus is for them.
Do you think it is appropriate for someone like Rob Ford to talk about a ‘come to Jesus moment’? Have you ever had a transformative moment like that?