Beginning … Again

How many times have you started something that feels NEW (!) only to realize that this is more a restart, a fresh start, a redo and not all that new? I am in the midst of moving – which I have been doing for about two years now! Having left Bracebridge, sort of, in January of 2022 it has been a long time coming to this point of beginning again. January 2022 was when I left Bracebridge United Church, by March I was ministering with a congregation in Bowmanville as they lived their last few months as a community of faith and then disbanded. That autumn I did a stint at Faith United in Courtice while their minister was on sabbatical. In January of 2023 I started working with Ebenezer United in Courtice for what was to be a short term appointment but I liked them and so far they like me so here I remain for the time being. Along side all this professional juggling I have been taking advantage of my brother’s gracious hospitality as I stayed at his house when I wasn’t in Bracebridge which over the time meant more hours at his place than at my own.

As time passed I made the tough decision to sell a house I loved in a place I loved and to relocate to Bowmanville. This means I am nearer my family and my current congregation. In fact it is a ten minute drive from my home to the church and a ten minute drive to the family farm. The house I have been fortunate enough to acquire is perfect for my needs and will be a comfortable home for the years ahead. It’s all good but it is starting again. You know – find a new doctor, find a new dentist, a new mechanic, a new hair dresser and on and on it goes. These are such small problems in the face of the world unrest and upset but on a day to day it can be taxing to be always having to figure things out (which mailbox is mine? when does the garbage get collected? have I changed my address with everyone?) Just knowing automatically how and when and where is such a privilege. And then there is the packing and moving. Someone asked this morning, “Have you purged your stuff?” Nope. I just find it so hard to part with things and when I do determine that something is unnecessary and I toss it, it seems that the very next week I wish I still had it!

Often through all of this process I have thought, or said out loud, “These are such first world problems.” As I pack up boxes of books, cases of china and crystal, oodles of blankets and sheets and towels, I keep thinking of the people of Palestine, Ukraine, Syria and every other country in the world where victims of war or refugees are fleeing their homes with what they can carry. I live such a life of privilege.

Beginning again, alongside the frustration and angst, is a wonderful time to realize the gifts that flood my life… friends that help me pack, move, make repairs in my new home … people that welcome me into this new location… financial resources that allow me to purchase what I need in a new home… continued work that keeps me energized and on my toes… family that surround me with advice and ready assistance… and so much more.

Beginning again is a time for gratitude.

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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One Response to Beginning … Again

  1. Kathy Clark says:

    They say “change is as good as a rest”..but I’m not sure where that comes in when you’re moving😜

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