The first Sunday of Advent was November 29th. That was ten days ago. For ten days I have had a bubble inside me. That is how Advent always feels to me. Something light, open, exciting. I love Advent. It is a season of anticipation and preparation. It is a time of expectation and waiting, waiting, waiting!
I have been doing all the things one does at this time of year. I have attended my first seasonal concert, went to a Carol service, started making lists (and more lists), made plans for family gatherings and been thinking of starting the gift wrapping. It is a great time of year in my experience and I savour every day in the countdown to Christmas.
I know that this season can be hard for some folks. Separated families struggle and juggle to make plans work. Those grieving the loss of a loved one feel the loss acutely. Those who struggle with depression or anxiety find the jolly attitude of some to be overwhelming and challenging.
The best I can do is pray for folks for whom this time of year is hard and beyond hard. And for me, I will continue to enjoy that bubble that keeps me bouyant.