Here at BUC I am in charge of the two early services which are tailored with children and families in mind even though lots of elders are here too. Kevin takes charge of the 10:00 Communion service. Of course, we both are involved in leadership at each service. Over the course of this evening over 800 people will be here for worship. Many of our regular congregation will be here but most are guests who are visiting family or make a point of including worship in their marking of Christmas. It is a great community of folks who come together to sing the hymns and listen to the ancient story of Jesus birth.
There was a time when I was a bit cynical of those who showed up just on Christmas Eve but now I am grateful that they are here. There are many ways people can mark this holiday and how good it is when some choose to make worship one of those ways. We try to offer genuine hospitality and that takes an army of volunteers or, should I say, disciples, to greet, hand out bulletins, hand out candles, gather offering, provide special music, and read the scripture. What a Christmas gift these members give to the community by being here to serve the guests who come in our doors.
There comes a moment, each Christmas Eve, when I realize the worrying is over, the fussing and phoning and lining up of readers is done, the candles are flickering, the story is being read, the people are attentive and heaven and earth are one. It is the moment when I sense the presence of Christ and know that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot put it out.
I love the words to this beautiful old carol:
It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old
from angels bending near the earth, to touch their harps of gold,
“Peace on the earth, good will to all, from heaven’s all gracious King!”
The world in solemn still lay to hear the angels sing.
May you find a moment to hear the angels sing this Christmas ~ Merry Christmas!