This morning, at our second service, we welcomed First Responders – Police, Fire, Paramedics and staff from the ER. It was the result of several months of planning and came about as part of our response to devastating fires experienced by two families in our congregation. We wanted the First Responders to know how grateful we are for their commitment to service in our community. We did not know when we sent out the invitations a few weeks ago how timely the service would be.
The horrific accident in Saskatchewan that left 15 dead and 14 more injured and in hospital has left a burden of sorrow for the whole country. I think there was not likely a church in the land that did not raise up prayers for the families effected by the death of these brilliant young hockey players. I cannot begin to imagine the trauma that accompanies first responders to such an accident from providing aid and assistance on the site to delivering the tragic news to families.
At the children’s time in the service I asked the children what they would do in an emergency. There was a show of hands and the hoped-for response to, “Call 911”. Then I asked, “What would happen?” Quick reply, “Someone would answer and ask, “What do you want? And they would send someone.” Later in the service, I pointed out to the congregation how fortunate we are that we can train our children to know to dial 911 and that they have the confidence to expect safety and response.
I don’t think we should ever be so arrogant as to take for granted those who devote their lives to the aid of others. We are reliant on the dedication of those who are willing to risk their own safety to protect others. We have so much to be thankful for.
Oh yes we raised prayers for Humboldt here at St John’s Georgetown. How sadly perfect your topic was yesterday.