Well, I had a few different ideas for today’s blog but the news of the Pope’s resignation tops everything else. Pope Benedict XVI announced this morning that he will be resigning on February 28th. The timing is important as it means a new pope will be elected in time for Easter. This is the first time a Pope has resigned since 1415! The Pope at age 85 says his deteriorating health and age are the reasons for his resignation.
Last week the Netherlands’ Queen Beatrix announced that she, at age 75, is handing over the throne to her 45-year-old son Willem-Alexander. She said she is abdicating “out of conviction that the responsibility for our nation should now rest in the hands of a new generation”.
In Canada, Old Age Security Benefits begin at age 65 but there is no forced retirement, it is the individual’s choice. Years ago an insurance company started a popular slogan when they developed their product that offered “Freedom 55”. They built the dream and promise that one could be ‘free’ from work and responsibilities as early as the age of 55 if you saved and planned well. I have mixed feelings about retirement. I think a person should be able to work as long as they are able and are productive in their workplace. I also think we have built up an unrealistic notion of retirement seeing it as freedom and therefore that work is something we must ‘escape’. I love my work and so the notion of escaping from it (okay, I will be honest – there is the odd day that I want to escape it!) seems illogical to me. That said, I know a lot of people see their years after age 55 or 65 as years to relax, travel and enjoy life. Also, a lot of organizations rely on the volunteer and service work of many folk who retired early and are still filled with enthusiasm and vitality and just want to give back to their community; given that retirement can offer benefits all the way around.
I haven’t really followed this Pope’s leadership. When he was elected it seemed to me he was just another ‘old white guy’ who would represent the old and regressive views of the church rather than move it into the future. That it is pretty much what he delivered. Although unusual and unexpected I applaud his decision and I hope he enjoys his retirement. Let’s hope the next Pope is a bit more progressive – especially when it comes to the role of women in the Catholic church.
The name of your new website seems rather fitting today 😉