Happy Birthday

Yesterday, June 10th, marked the anniversary of the formation of the United Church of Canada. We turned 88! I have been part of the United Church since my birth and have always felt comfortable in, and proud of, my denomination.

At 88 we are starting to show signs of aging. We are struggling to connect with an ever-changing world. The United Church has always felt (or imagined) the admiration of much of the society for our forward-thinking and inclusive ways. But we are not as robust, proactive or bold as we once were. Many in our society see the institutional church as irrelevant and outdated and The United Church is no exception to this view.

Currently the United Church is putting itself through a Comprehensive Review. On the UCC website (www.united-church.ca) under the tab marked Comprehensive Review it begins by saying: “The world still needs Jesus’ message of love and hope. Yet our church is facing demographic, cultural, and financial shifts that are challenging our ability to share this good news. How are we called to live out God’s mission in a changing world?” With that in mind the General Council has invited Conferences, Presbyteries and congregations to consider our church and how we might move faithfuly into the future.

As part of my sabbatical reflection I have been having conversations with people about why they go to church (specifically Bracbridge United Church) and why they don’t attend. It has been interesting for me to talk with people and come to an understanding of the various pushes and pulls that draw people into a faith community or cause them to leave one.

I love the church and it pains me to think that it is going through hard times. That said, I am not naive and I know that the church done things that have contributed to its current situation. Just the same I am encouraged by the theme that runs through all of scripture reminding us that God is always actively calling something new from the old. I am confident that God is not finished with us yet!

How about you? Did you choose the United Church as a place to express your faith? Are you hopeful or worried about our future?

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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