We are well into February. Ah, February the home month of Groundhog Day, Chinese New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Family Day, Leap Year Day (every fourth year, of course) and MY BIRTHDAY! February is a favourite month of mine not just because it is my birth month but because all other days seems overshadowed by Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day, when stores and schools and community halls become awash with the colours of pink and red and violet.
The very mention of Valentine’s Day suggests love so I have decided that February should be love month and I have been thinking about love. Not the boy-meets-girl-lives-happily-ever-after-love but the deep love that shapes us so that we reach out to others with kindness and care for our community. The kind of love Jesus spoke of when he said, “Love God. Love your neighbour.” The kind of transformative love that leads us, or pushes us, to do things for others that might be outside of our comfort zone.
As Christians we often describe our actions and behaviour as shaped by Christ. We see Jesus as our role model and example. February is a good time of year to think about God’s love for us. The mystery and wonder of God’s love that seems to never wane, even when we live within the silence of God. Richard Rohr wrote, “God does not love you because you are good; God love you because God is good.” I have been reflecting on that lately. We do not deserve God’s love. Nonetheless God loves us, loves us in spite of ourselves. That is something to celebrate in Love Month!