It seems I have spent an inordinant amount of time in my sabbatical doing maintenance! God did a good think creating the human body – it really is amazing, but at a certain age a fair bit of time goes into keeping it in top form … hmmm, maybe that should read keeping it going! So, during my sabbatical I have had a physical and then a couple of follow-up appointments with a couple more to come, an eye exam (need glasses now, real glasses, can no longer get by with cheaters from the drug store), dental work, and, well, I have treated myself to a couple of massages.
While I complain about the inconvenience and indeed the need for this kind of attention it does give me pause to realize the amazing facilities we can avail here in Canada – well educated docotrs in fully equiped offices and (for the most part) freely available to me. I found myself whinning because one prescription I need isn’t covered by my health and benefit plan forgetting how fortunate I am to have ‘a plan’!
These exercises in maintenance have caused me to pause and count my blessings. The fact of the matter is, I have reached this age without ever having spent a night in a hospital or having any major kind of medical attention. I guess after my body has served me so well all these years it is time I gave it a little attention in order to keep it going well for the next decades. I hope to have quite a few yet.