This morning, as I drove to work, I listened to The Current on CBC radio. Host Matt Galloway was interviewing a salesman for private jets. The article was about the rise in the sale of private jets in the face of the climate crisis. There were many of things about the interview that were of great interest to me and I was astounded by some of the things I learned. (You can hear it on the podcast) But one phrase has stayed with me through the day. When asked why people feel the need to own their own jet the salesperson said that many of the wealthy who own these jets are very busy people and “owning their own jet helps them manufacture time”.
Wow, who knew that you could “manufacture time”? How does one go about “manufacturing time”? This is a remarkable achievement and I am surprised that it hasn’t been commercialized. I would love to have more time! Here it is nearing the end of the afternoon and I still have a lot of things on my ‘To Do List’. If only I could manufacture some more time and get these tasks crossed off.
Of course my reactive comments are said with tongue firmly in cheek! Ridiculous! You do not manufacture time, even if you are wealthy enough to own your own jet! No amount of money can buy you that ability. But it has left me pondering what is it about our culture that drives such a notion? Don’t worry, I am not being naive or insincere. I say this as I feel the pressure of that ‘To Do List’. I feel the pressure of too much to do and too little time just as much as anyone else. Why do I clog my life up with so many things that I can’t just breathe?
I know it is too late for New Year’s Resolution but here and now I am going to resolve to consider what the busy-ness is that keeps me running on the treadmill. I am going to check myself when I keep adding more things to my calendar. I am going to take some time and spend it with those people, doing those things that restore my soul.
As I write this I am remembering that often when the disciples were in a flap and went looking for Jesus because there were things to do and people to see, they often found him off by himself praying. That Jesus – what a role model! I am signing off and going home… to read a book …. to listen to music …. Ahhhh, I feel better already.