
“Rattled” that was a term my mom used to describe her disposition on a regular basis. As in, “I can’t think straight, I am just so rattled.” “I will do that when I am not so rattled.” “Don’t rattle me right now I am working on something.” I always thought it was an odd expression. Until now. I am so rattled! I can never remember what day it is. This always happens in this week between Christmas and New Years. Every day seems the same. I am sort of working and sort of not. I am in the office but the church is not busy. The Christmas tree stands in the corner a constant reminder of the season of good cheer but the daily onslaught of dire news about the latest variant overwhelms me to the point that I turn off the radio when the news comes on. The overlay to all of this is that I am now entering my last month of ministry here at Bracebridge United Church. I am rattled!

I am, right now, this minute, considering options to overcome this feeling that had overcome me. What to do to ease the rattling? Stop eating cookies and start eating apples. That is step number one. Focus on stories of wellbeing. Step number two. Connect with people who are younger than me and who have a youthful, chipper and enthusiastic attitude. Step number three.

Each week, twice a week, I send out an email to our prayer network. There are over 25 names on the email list. These are people who are dedicated to praying prayers of gratitude for the joys people share with us and prayers of intercession for the concerns that come to us. That activity in and of itself, writing an email to those dedicated disciples, is a mood booster and has a grounding impact on me. Focusing on the notes of gratitude and saying words of thankfulness can calm my rattled mind and remind me of what is important.

The threshold of the new year is also a time that I naturally fall to reflection – looking back and looking ahead. Counting blessings and naming hopes can ease that sense of panic that arises when I shake my head and wonder, “what the heck day is this anyway?”.

I also love words and the words of poetry and scripture calm my rattled soul. I have several quotes posted on my bulletin board above my desk. “Instruction does much, but encouragement does everything.” “Show me the road I must travel for you to relieve my heart.” “You make a life out of what you have, not what you are missing.” “Resting in God resting in me.” “Ring that bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

How are you soothing your rattled soul these days? I would love to hear from you.

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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