When I say the word “leaders” – what do you think of? We have had leaders in our lives since childhood. Leaders in our school yard groupings, leaders of groups like Guides and Scouts, leaders in vocal choirs, leaders in our community. As adults we have been influenced and effected by leaders in our church, our community, our country and our world. We have all experienced and witnessed leadership and, truth be told, many of us have exercised leadership at one time or another in groups, teams, our church and our community.
I have never been active in politics. I admit I seldom go to all- candidates meetings. I do not put political signs on my lawn. I make every effort to be nonpartisan in my preaching. But, here in this blog I want to give a shout out to our political leaders. I have been so impressed and appreciative of our political leaders through this Covid19 pandemic. At every level of government they have been proactive and their speeches are reasoned, thoughtful, assuring while also presenting the potential strife that will result if we do not honour and respect the legislation. I say this for all the political leaders that effect and influence my life – whether I voted for them or not!
Leadership, in times of great challenge, can test the mettle of the most experienced political leader. We have been blessed through this time with calm, solid leadership. So here is my shout out to all those who have power and use it wisely. I am sure they have had sleepless nights and anxious times. I am sure there have been worried backroom conversations and disputes as to how to best move forward, but that is not shown to the public.
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the day when Christians remember Jesus entry into Jerusalem. He did so to lead his band of God-fearing followers to stand up against the power of the Romans who were oppressing his people. Jesus showed leadership to the highest degree possible. He encouraged his followers, and he challenged his followers, he took a stand, and despite doubts and sorrow he kept faith and led with bravery. Jesus’ story is testament that leadership is not easy but it is necessary. And it is life-changing.
So here’s a shout out to our leaders who offer words of strength and words of compassion and are stalwart, even in this challenging time. Thank you to each of them.