It is awards season. The Golden Globes and The People’s Choice have happened and the nominations for the Oscar’s, the big one and the original one, have now been announced. I used to love to watch the Oscar’s but I have become quite jaded to all these awards shows. It has deteriorated so that it seems it is more about rich celebrities promoting designers and the awards really go to the movies who have the biggest promotional budgets. Okay, I admitted I am jaded.
But, once in a while something good happens at these gala self-congratulatory spectacles that makes me feel like there is hope .
At the People’s Choice Awards this year Ellen DeGeneres was given the Favourite Humanitarian Award for her notable charitable work. In her acceptance speech she said, “It’s a little strange to actually get an award for being nice and generous and kind which is what we’re all supposed to do with one another. That’s the point of being human.”
Yes, that is the point of being human and how wonderful to have someone, someone with influence in the celebrity circuit, to name it. Someone else said something along those lines once. It went something like, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” He was a pretty special guy too.