This Day

Every day this week I have told myself, “I am going to write a blog today.” I even had ideas as to what I would write about. Monday was the 40th anniversary of my Ordination. Lots of fodder there. No inspiration! Tuesday brought three Zoom meetings – that is inspiration destroying. Wednesday is recording day for our video service I could have talked about that and … I even had a title … ‘Hump Day’. I was going to talk about it being mid-week and that all the work of my typical Sunday was now done. Thursday I heard someone refer to it as Thankful Thursday and I thought, ‘Now there’s a title for a blog’. But, alas, no blog came to me. But today, now today is the day.

This day. So many things spring to mind. What happened on this day in history … Bing Crosby recorded ‘White Christmas’ the largest selling single ever, with an estimated 50 million copies sold. On this day in 1917 John F. Kennedy was born. In 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, a sherpa of Nepal reached the summit of Mount Everest. And, in 2005, Danica Patrick became the first female driver to take the lead in the Indianapolis 500.

But also, on this day, I have running through my mind the hymn “This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made … we will rejoice and be glad in it.” A celebratory hymn that has a tune that sets your feet to dancing or at the very least your toes to tapping.

How do you begin this day? Does it feel like another dreary day in lock-down or are you energized with the early morning sunrise and the freshness of the spring air? Frame of mind is so important isn’t it? We can’t conjure up good humour or positivism. It comes to us or it doesn’t. We can however, reset our attitude by shifting our perspective. Sometimes, accomplishing one small thing is all it takes to spring our attitude out of the doldrums and into a “This is the day” attitude. I know of what I speak, er, write. I am a lazy person by nature. (I have never thought sloth should be a deadly sin – mainly because I would be convicted over and over.) I am excellent at writing ‘To Do’ lists and then rewriting them the next day. And, I know the sheer exhilaration that comes from crossing something off the list!

So, this is the day – my Blog is written. I have texted with two friends and had an interesting phone conversation and it is only 9:30. (I have also put out the garbage and done some on-line shopping but that is beside the point.) But, more important than what I have accomplished, is that I woke up this morning knowing this is going to be a good day. And I am grateful for that mood. This is the day that God has given me to do … what .. I am not sure but I know that God is giving me a day to do something and I am going to make it count.

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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