While our Jewish brothers and sisters mark Passover we Christians are walking with Jesus through this week we call Holy Week. It is a sacred time of drawing deeply into our spiritual journey and connecting to Jesus, the one we see as mentor and guide.
Tonight we will hold a service to remember Jesus’ last meal with his followers. It was at this time that Jesus washed the disciples’ feet to show the importance of humility and service. I have never felt comfortable enough to do a foot washing in the service. I know it is part of the liturgical experience in many churches. The closest I ever came was to ask people to remove their shoes and sit sock-footed for the service. One year I invited a reflexologist to come after the service and then those that were willing went into the church hall to learn more about reflexology and were able to give a foot massage to their partner.
Maundy Thursday and the readings for the night are really about servanthood. Being a servant is not something most of us in this day and age are comfortable with. I think we are educated to think that servanthood is lowly and most of us feel it is beneath us to be a servant. The truth is we are all reliant on people who offer us service – from the person who pours our coffee at the coffee shop to the medical staff who care for us when we are sick to the people who makes sure the power and water keep flowing so we can be comfortable in our homes. These are all forms of service even though people are paid for providing it. I guess that is the key. Jesus taught about service that went unrewarded. Service that was done for the love of God and the call to be of service to others.
How does being a servant feel to you? When you offer service is it because you follow the modelling of Jesus?