One of the most riveting scenes in the Bible is when Jesus stands before Pilate. Pilate is trying to get Jesus a reprieve, even freedom, and so asks him a series of questions, almost riddles, hoping to find a way to free him. The encounter ends with Jesus saying, “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate responds “What is truth?” (John 18:38)
This scene was replicated in the movie, “A Few Good Men” when the trial scene of the chracters played by Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson climax with Nicholson yelling at Cruise, “You can’t handle the truth.”
Hanging in the balance of what is truth and handling the truth are the situations unfolding in our daily news. The scandal of Rob Ford’s unravelling leadership as Mayor of Toronto is upstaged only by the scandal of Senator Mike Duffy being given a cheque to cover his unexplained double-dipping from the public purse. I am finding it hard to keep a fair and open-mind about either situation. Granted, I am hugely influenced by the media’s spin of each situation but the lack of transperancy and the apparent cover up leaves me saying, “Just tell me the truth.” Could I ‘handle the truth’? Right about now I would like to be given the opportunity to try! I am less exercised about the Toronto Mayor as I am about a once-respected news reporter ripping off the Canadian citizenry with the PMO aiding and abetting. I feel that an honouralbe person would speak the truth. Gentlemen, I am waiting … I believe I can handle the truth.
What are your feelings about these political scandals?
Do you think there is a need for honour and truth in our political leaders?
Does your faith inform you in any way concerning these situations?
This comment from reader Richard:
‘If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we would find in each person’s story enough suffering and sorrow there to disarm all hostilities.” Unknown
There has been a great deal of work done recently by a Dr. David Hawkins concerning the notion of absolute Truth. Until he passed in 2012, he was researching the use of muscle testing to determine Truth and wrote many books describing his simple technique and his findings from the application of his technique to a vast variety of topics.
POWER vs. FORCE is the culmination of twenty years’ research. In it, David Hawkins conclusively proves the ability of kinesiological testing to distinguish truth or falsehood in any statement—an astonishing idea in itself, with far reaching implications for every aspect of human life. He goes on to demonstrate the application of his method (explained clearly for the layman) in commerce, art, sport, etc. Then he explains its spiritual application, as a path to enlightenment.
Dr. Hawkins’s work seems to support our notion that we all have (already) the capacity to know all things necessary to our well-being through our connection with the Divine. This connection seems to act on a state of mind beyond words and is capable of manifesting directly to and through our current state of affairs … without going through the normal conscious mental processes. Indeed, it works because it bypasses the normal conscious mental processes and therefore is not polluted by them. This Knowing is a naturally occurring consequence of meditation and prayer. We have heard it referenced as “Intuitive Right Action” and it has little dependence on understanding.
For more information check out
I think that it is useful to decide whether we are Spiritual Beings on a Human journey, or Human beings on a Spiritual Journey.
If you believe, as I do, that we are Spiritual Beings on a human journey, then we acknowledge that Rob Ford is also a Spiritual Being and deserves all the rights, honour, privileges, and respect bestowed on any Spiritual Being. He is a child of God. We nurture his journey AND OUR OWN JOURNEY to the degree that we can demonstrate those rights, honour, privileges, and respect. That he seems to be mired in an extensive amount of human drama is a natural consequence of his human decisions. That we are witnessing this journey and dealing with the consequences of his actions is a testament to our level of commitment to our Spiritual identity. We are all one. We cannot separate. In fact, our group consciousness attracted him to us that we all may learn/practice what we came here to earth to learn/practice.
So what do we do … right now? Right here?
Actually there are several things I can do. At least three that come to mind right now:
1. Ask myself … Is there anything that I personally can do (with LOVING intent) to make a tangible difference in the situation. Do I have any knowledge of pertinent facts that can help resolve the situation one way or another? If I am eligible, will I commit to voting in the next election? Am I so moved by my inner guidance that I would go to volunteer for either side to aid in the resolution of these matters? It is critical to keep my intent loving and as pure as possible.
2. Realize that he is doing the best he can with what he thinks he has available to him. People generally move in ways and directions that they think will make life more desirable. More satisfying. For themselves. Rob Ford is no different than any of the other people I have worked with. He is no different than me. If he saw a way that he believed would make life easier, he would take it. His problem, and mine, is that he does not always see a better way, a higher road. For me, the vision to see the higher road lies in the notions of “highest and best Good” and loving service. To the degree that I want what is best for everyone involved, then the universe supports my Joy. Highest and best Good is all inclusive. For everyone. Anytime. Anyplace. Regardless of past history. So the challenge, for me, then is to look for ways to help Rob Ford expand the options that he thinks he has in ways that include possible behaviours that benefit more people. It is not about perfection. It is about intent to serve “highest and best”.
3. I will not likely vote in Rob Ford’s next election. I will not likely volunteer for either side. What I will do, is Bless Rob Ford. If I were fully evolved, blessing him once would perhaps be enough. But I am not. So, every time he comes into my awareness, I will bless him by saying ( sometimes aloud, sometimes in my mind) something like “ I bless you Rob Ford with the Joyous Prosperity of our Loving God.” And then I see him in my mind’s eye receiving his blessing and experiencing a wonderful existence. Whether he chooses to receive my blessing or not is his choice, not mine; his journey, not mine. I give him the blessing without reservation, condition, exception, or interruption. It is my sincere wish for him. I know it is his natural state and I know, eventually, he will accept his calling. If he does not accept the gift, to whom does the gift belong? Spiritual gifts benefit the receiver and the giver in limitless measure. Giving is proof of having.
Whatever I decide, I caution myself to not become so engaged in the turmoil as to distract myself from my appointed rounds. My purpose in life is not to solve the Rob Ford problems of the world. My purpose is to be in this world but not of it. To stay committed and focused on evolving my awareness that I am a Spiritual Being on a physical journey and my awareness of how that can benefit those around me. I use such turmoil no only to spur me on; but, to discipline my focus and centre on the Divine in all things.
Blessing is one of my favourite hobbies. Often, when I don’t forget, when I walk into a room, I bless each person … stranger or friend… with the Joyous Abundance of a loving Creator. Whether I like them or not is of no consequence. Liking is an intellectual exercise. I am under no obligation to like anyone. Loving is a Spiritual privilege. Love, the sincere desire for the genuine well-being of the recipient. To the extent that I practice loving everyone, I experience my Divine Inheritance and my heart soars and my cup runneth over.
So I say to you Rob Ford
“I love you. I bless you with the Joyous Abundance of a Loving Creator. I would bless you with Vision that eases your (perceived) pain, to ease your way … and serves “highest and best Good”.”
Love, Peace, and Blessings Rob Ford