What Day Is It??

Ah, yes, here we are. It is the week between Christmas and New Year’s when I can never remember what day it is, where I am supposed to be, or what I am meant to be doing. It is the la – la season of holiday, the slow your brain mode of relaxation or is it really just sugar over-load confusion? These days between Christmas and New Year’s blend one to another as stores are closed unexpectedly and work seems a bit low-key; kids stay up late and teenagers sleep till the afternoon if they can get away with it.

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. It is also Sunday – I know I checked the calendar and asked Siri. I will be preaching on the story from Luke, the story that tells of Mary and Joseph taking their infant to the temple where the ancient Simeon and Anna recognize in this baby the hopes and fears of all the years. Anna and Simeon’s appearance in the story continue the fairy tale quality of the Christmas narrative. They are the wise old sages who bless the baby while recognizing the curse that will befall him. It is a wonderful piece of the story as it brings to consciousness the intermingling of joy and pain that life so clearly is. It moves us from the romance of the nativity into the routine of the day-to-day. Mary and Joseph have jobs to do and a boy to raise. They are reminded as they present their child at the temple that this will not be an easy life. Destiny brings them hope and with it sorrow. How much like our own life it is.

So on this Saturday, December 30th I look at the year now passed, with all its ups and downs, joys and griefs, and with thankful heart, know that Jesus, “a man of sorrow acquainted with grief” walked beside me every step of the way. It doesn’t take away the harshness but it makes it easier to bear.

Hope you are having a good Saturday – the last one of the year.

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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