I came across a quote … it’s by, you know … anonymous… but I really like it. It frames something for me that is encouraging and inspiring. Here is it.
“What if the church is not the place we go to encounter God but the place from which we are sent to encounter God? What if it’s the place of preparation, not the destination? What if the point of church is to attune ourselves to God so that we can more clearly notice God out in the world?”
So here is my question to you, dear readers, how and where are you encountering God these days? Is it in the crusty neighbour who doesn’t speak much but when you’re not looking carries your blue bin up your driveway? Is it the surly teenager who can hardly look up from his phone but whom you know desperately wants to be noticed? Is it the moment you look up at the canopy of stars in the inky black sky and your breath is taken from you by the beauty? Is it the panhandler you try to avoid but who says, “God bless you” even as you pass by? Is it the grieving neighbour who doesn’t come out much? Where are you encountering God? Is it in the deep questioning of life and it inequities even as you share what you have with others?
The gospel stories of Jesus are filled with stories of his interactions and each brings a glimpse of the transformation that can come from encounters. Think of Nicodemus who came to Jesus in the darkness so no one would see him. Think of the woman at the well or the woman who touched the hem of Jesus coat. Think of those 12 named as apostles and the many other women and men who followed him. Remember that Jesus often went away to a quiet place by himself to pray – for you maybe a snowy trail or a quiet family room. We all have our places of reflection and meditation; places we go to encounter the depth of being, the source of love – God.
Happy encountering this week. Let me know in the comments where, or who, gave you a glimpse to the source of all love.