Ever have one of those days? A day that seems littered with mistakes from morning to night? I am still recovering! A hasty word spoken in anger. An oversight and consequent hurt feelings. An assumption leading to a misunderstanding. An out-and-out mistake that required back-peddling and an apology. Phew – mistakes aplenty. Some days are like that but it got me to thinking about mistakes and what grace there might be in them.
For me, mistakes can lead to forgiveness; forgiveness of myself and forgiveness of others. Mistakes can mean a deepening of spirit as one considers how to self-improve, how to slow down, how to apologise, how to be better next time.
Making mistakes can also mean you are trying something new, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. And that is something to celebrate.
The Bible is filled with characters who made mistakes. Some acted with poor judgement, some who consciously chose a path that could have led to no-return (think Jonah or the ‘prodigal’ son); but, for most, even in their bad choices, God found a way to work good and to bring wholeness.
So, dear readers, as the year turns from the first month to the second I wish for you mistakes. Mistakes made with a genuine heart that wishes to improve, mistakes made that will lead you to a deeper sense of God in your life. Mistakes made but redeemed and filled with grace.